Translated by Banooye Sabz from original article in Kalame | September 7, 2011

September 7th, 2011 – [Kaleme] After 7 months of house arrest, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard were finally allowed to visit the home of one of their daughters, spending some time with their three children.

According to reports received by Kaleme, 200 days after their house arrest, Mousavi and Rahnavard were accompanied by a number of male and female security agents to the residence of one of their daughters. This sudden and unprecedented visit, with all three of their daughters present, was the first time Mousavi and Rahnavard were allowed to leave the confounds of their house arrest in a period of 7 months.

The future is bright…

In the meeting with his three children, Mir Hossein Mousavi made the following statement regarding the current developments in the country: “The future is bright” While pointing to the upcoming [parliamentary] elections, the former prime minister during the 8 year holy war against Iraq stated: “Given the current climate in our country, one cannot be hopeful regarding participation in the upcoming elections.”

While discussing the restrictions imposed upon them, Mousavi stated that he is grateful for the grace of God, emphasizing that the pressures and restrictions on himself and his wife are as a result of their ideals and speaking the truth, principles they both strongly believe in.

It has been reported that during Mousavi and Rahnavard’s long house arrest, they were both very concerned for the life, well being and security of their three daughters, particularly as one of the pressure tactics used by security agents was making sure that Mousavi and Rahnavard were in the dark when it came to their children’s well being.

Presence of a high ranking judicial figure during the family visit and Mousavi’s distinct reaction

It has been reported that a high ranking judicial authority was also present during Mousavi and Rahnavard’s first visit in 7 months with their three daughters, a visit that took place outside the restricted confines of Pasteur street [the location of Mousavi’s residence]. Mousavi is said to have strongly protested the presence of this individual, demanding to know why he was present and who had authorized him to be there.

Mousavi and Rahnavard denied all communication with the outside world, their personal art work confiscated

During the visit with their three daughters, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard reiterated that they have been denied all communication with the outside world, including access to newspapers, radio and even certain writing materials. They both emphasized that although these tactics are designed to erase their memories, the truth and the events of the past two years will be etched in their memories for ever. Mousavi and Rahnavard also stated: ” A large number of our personal art work and paintings were confiscated and taken to an undisclosed location during the interrogations and searches conducted by security agents after the initial days of our house arrest.”

Mousavi and Rahnavard both in good physical condition and high spirits

Mousavi and Rahnavard’s daughters describe their parents as physically healthy and in excellent spirits. Reportedly when informed about the lies that had been published regarding his health by a number of pro government media outlets, Mousavi was surprised, strongly denying any reports eluding to the fact that he and his wife suffer from any serious illness.

Pressure on the family continued after the visit, all telephone contact once again banned

According to the latest reports received by Kaleme, after this unprecedented visit outside of the restrictions of Pasteur street and Mousavi’s explicit statements to the judicial authority present, pressure on Mousavi and Rahnavard once again increased and all telephone contact between Mousavi, Rahnavard and their daughters was yet again banned.

This is the second time Mousavi’s statements have reached Green media outlets in 2011. The first such occasion was when Mousavi was briefly allowed to visit and pay his respects to the body of his late father Mir Esmail Mousavi this past April, and he reportedly repeated to those present: “patience…. patience…. patience…”