We would like to thank Cynthia Collins who brought to our attention, via Twitter, that one of our tweets capturing some of the notable parts of Obama’s State of the Union speech was briefly up on the front page of the New York Times website.

If you follow this site, or our account on Twitter, you know that we absolutely love Twitter, and the power it gives to anyone who wants to connect with people, on any topic.

Here is the tweet that was briefly up on the New York Times front page:

Obama “What sets us apart must not just be our power. It must also be the purpose behind it.” #sotu (amen to that!)

And here is the screen capture provided to us by Cynthia Collins (click to enlarge):

Screen capture of Iran News Now tweet on Obama's State of the Union speech

While we get plenty of exposure and interaction from Twitter, it is nice to occasionally find that our reach can go beyond the Twitterverse.

Therein lies another example of how an individual can harness the power of the tools available to anyone with an Internet connection to reach out to a broad audience.