Friday August, 13th, 2010 – Translation by Negar Irani – Summary: The cries of a political prisoner being severely beaten and tortured could be heard throughout the corridors at Evin’s ward 240, resulting in mounting psychological pressure on the 16 political prisoners who were transferred to solitary confinement from Evin’s ward 350 more than two weeks ago.

Kaleme: Last night, three guards entered Evin’s solitary confinement ward 240, attacking and severely beating a prisoner being held in solitary confinement in this ward.

According to reports received by Kaleme, the three prison guards torturing this prisoner were Ziyai, Karbalai and Mahmoudi, guards who are well known for insulting prisoners, particularly political prisoners at Evin’s ward 350.

The cries of this prisoner in agony could be heard throughout the corridors at Evin’s ward 240 until midnight, resulting in mounting psychological pressure on the 16 political prisoners who were transferred to solitary confinement from Evin’s ward 350 more than two weeks ago.

Source: Kaleme