Radio Zamaneh | June 19, 2010

Iranian prison authorities have been subjecting political prisoners in section 350 of Evin Prison to forced labour, Kaleme website reports.

The prison authorities contend that due to the “commencement of construction in the prison” since the “prison is running out of adequate space for prisoners” decision has been made to use the prisoners in the construction activities.

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran also reported in the past weeks that lesser known prisoners in section 350 are forced to clean the corridors and washrooms of the prison and repeatedly demeaned by prison guards.

The report also maintains that meat has been omitted from the prisoner’s diet and the inadequate quality of the food is also coupled at times with the use of expired ingredients.

Iranian judiciary contends that prisoners are kept in good conditions; however, requests from international bodies to inspect Iranian prisons have been declined.

In the past year, thousands of people were arrested in the protests to the alleged fraud that brought back Mahmoud Ahmadinejad back to power.