Associated Free Press (hosted by Google) | June 11, 2010

TEHRAN — Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi charged on Friday that it is supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who decides the outcome of elections, not the people, ahead of the first anniversary of Iran’s disputed presidential poll.

Referring to the all-powerful Khamenei but not naming him directly, Karroubi said that it was the supreme leader who decided the results of elections through electoral watchdog the Guardians Council.

He said Khamenei directly or indirectly appoints the members of the Guardians Council which vets election candidates and validates the results.

“There will be no results if he doesn’t approve. Is this a republic?” the cleric was quoted by his Sahamnews website as saying at a joint news conference for select opposition media with main opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi.

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