FreakOutNation | June 12, 2010
by Anomaly100

It was one year ago today that protests broke out against the disputed Presidential election in Iran which was the catalyst  for the daily protests ever since.

The passion of the protesters won the hearts of many and we’ve been able to watch their continuous fight against a suffocating theocracy each and every day.

On Twitter, there has been a 24/7 amazing show of support to get information from the protesters, then sending it back to other protesters.  The relay of some tweets may have even saved lives.

The Basij last year began marking doors in order to return later to terrorize the residents in order to silence the protesters later during their nefarious nightly raids:

“While most of the world’s attention is focused on the beatings in the streets of Iran during the day, the Basijis are carrying out brutal raids on people’s apartments during the night,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Witnesses are telling us that the Basijis are trashing entire streets and even neighborhoods as well as individual homes trying to stop the nightly rooftop protest chants.”

Still, they did not give up.  The marked doors were tweeted, then information on how to remove the markings were retweeted.  They were ingenious in their thinking.  Some doors were repainted so the marked ones blended in with the others.

Read the full article here…