(Pedestrian) | April 6, 2010

Three professors have been removed from their positions in the past 24 hours:

Morteza Mardiha, a professor of philosophy at Alameh Tabatabie University.

And Alireza Beheshti and Ghorban Behzadian-Nejad have also been suspended from their teaching positions at Tarbiat Modarres University. At the helm of Tarbiat Modarres right now is Farhad Daneshjou – the brother of Kamran Daneshjou who oversaw the 2009 presidential Selection at the interior ministry and is the current minister of Higher Education.

Both men were advisers to the Mousavi campaign and Ghorbanian-Nejad, a microbiologist, is currently in prison. Beheshti, a professor of philosophy, has been arrested twice, and was recently released for the second time.

The university has notified them that they will be suspended from their positions until the court’s final verdict.