(Khordaad88) | April 6, 2010
Thanks to Khordaad88 for translating the original article.

Source: ParlemanNews
Date: Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mir Hossein Mousavi, the prime minister during the holy defense [in the war], viewed the perspective that recognizes only one school of thought and one party and denies the collective wisdom as the main cause behind the events following the elections. He further renounced depictions that the State Television broadcasted about the departed Imam [Khomeini] and viewed them as ruining the fundamentals of the establishment. He further added: “State TV despoils the doctrine and behavior of the departed Imam Khomeini. This is exactly what foreign news agencies do.”

According to reports of Parleman News Agency, members of [the minority opposition] Committee of Imam’s Path visited Mir Hossein Mousavi as part of New Year rituals.

At the introduction of this session, the most senior member of the committee, Mr. Tabesh, congratulated Mr. Prime minister for the new year, and hoped that the new year would be a year of blessing for the great nation of Iran, families of martyrs, devotees of the Islamic Revolution and victims of the election aftermath.

Mr. Tabesh continued: “Last year, nation of Iran defended the achievements of the revolution with their magnificent participation in the election, but unfortunately the government did not respond to them in the way they deserved. The government did not make a good deal with the nation.”

He then alluded to the name ‘Path of Imam’ that minority opposition group of reformist delegates had adopted for their committee, and added: “As the members of Path of Imam committee in the parliament we should be informers, missionaries of Imam’s thoughts and views and the path he had laid out.”

He further added: “Unfortunately, today the picture that Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Corp. depicts of Imam [Khomeini] is a great misdeed towards Imam. Biased broadcasting of selected parts of Imam’s statements taken out of their original time and context makes the younger generations ask whether this is really how the ‘great’ Imam [Khomeini] they have heard so much about is.

Tabesh acknowledged Mr. Mousavi’s lengthy time of public of service as the prime minister during the leadership of Imam Khomeini, and requested that as one of companions of Imam, he would talk about Imam’s way of life, and strategies that Imam employed to balance the power and manage governance of the country.
As the meeting continued, Mr. Mousavi too, congratulated the New Year to the members present and wished greatness for the great nation of Iran. He further continued with some of his memories from his time as prime minister.
He said: “Imam [Khomeini], despite his firm support of me and my government, he never made the decisions that impacted all people alone. To make such decisions he would consult the opinions of everyone necessary, and basically viewed such consultations as his religious duty. I remember for instance, during those times there were issues on removing restrictions to bring rice from the north of country to Tehran and other locations in the country, and some of our friends were insisting that such restrictions should be removed so that prices would decline. In a meeting with three heads of three branches of power conceded that they would remove the restrictions though I was still against it for my own reasons. Imam heard this issue of my disagreement and said that although he does not believe prices would decline, he orders that whatever the majority has ruled should be executed.”

Mousavi expressed that: “Despite his unique popularity within the people and despite the capabilities and abilities that he possessed according to law and thanks to trust of people along with his own accurate and apt view of issues, the departed Imam still gave the highest priority to consultations with heads of the branches of power and experts of the time on matters that impacted the whole nation. He would never base his decisions on views of one group. The meetings of the three branches, prior to the existence of an ‘Expediency Council’ and later establishing the Expediency Council were all results of this doctrine of Imam [Khomeini] in his governance.

The prime minister of Imam [Khomeini] reminded that: “One of the reasons behind that government’s aptitude to solve the problems and crises in that time was due this relation that people directly had with the establishment, government, and the leadership, plus the fact that all the decisions were made rationally through consultations with the collective [groups present.]

He recalled another memory: “In the last days of Imam Khomeini’s life, I foresaw major changes in the government and predicted that I won’t be there anymore. I was worried about the problems that these changes would bring about. One of these problems was supplying essential goods needed in the country and so in a meeting between the heads of the executive, judiciary, and the legislative body, I proposed to dedicate some of the government’s income to purchase and store wheat. We all agreed on this matter and wrote a letter to Imam Khomeini informing him about our conclusion and seeking his ruling. He responded that we should proceed if we all agreed on the matter.”

Mousavi continued: “Though Imam could simply agree with our proposal, he demonstrated his dependence on collective reason using his language and emphasized that the use of collective reasoning be a principle. He always lived by this principle and so most decisions in his time were made collectively by government official in the legal framework with minimum exceptions to the rule.

Mousavi further talked about the previous years events and remarked: “If in dealing with these occurrences, we followed Imam’s path in using collective reasoning, looking at the bigger picture, and preventing one group to dominate the discourse and the decision making process, we would not have come across these bitter moments.”

While recalling another occurrence, Mousavi added: “I remember that in parliamentary elections, Esfahan was an important electoral district that attracted a lot of attention. As with every other human, Imam also had a preference for some of the candidates running in Esfahan. Once when I was reading to him the election results, he smiled: ‘It’s OK, let them take Esfahan.’ Those in attendance appreciated how well Imam handled the results.”

“Imam encouraged presence of all factions and streams and did not prevent specific groups [from participating in the political process]. It was people who, by mean of their vote, decided which group or school of thought took power. Imam’s proposals for constitutional reform in 1990 showed that he continuously insisted on collective reasoning and the necessity to abide by the law. Discussing these issues is a proper way of introducing Imam Khomeini’s way of thinking, his manners and methods. Unfortunately what we witness on the state media, which is to damage Imam Khomeini’s doctrine and conduct, destroys the pillars of the system. This is exactly what the foreign media does as well. Both state and foreign media show a part of his speech, without discussing the context in which the speech was given, to imply a specific misguided image of Imam Khomeini. This results in an incomplete and incorrect understanding of Imam Khomeini by the audience specifically the younger generation. I think in this regard, the foreign and state media are like two blades of scissor which damage Imam Khomeini’s bright image.

Introducing Imam Khomeini to the public as he really was would have increased the legitimacy of the system. It is unfortunate that some do not take advantage of this great opportunity and on the contrary attack and damage roots of this system with [misguided] propaganda [regarding Imam Khomeini]

Last year’s events reemphasized the reality that it is useful to look at the past and compensate for those events based on collective reasoning and Imam’s true image – not the one introduced in certain media – as a role model.