Source: Radio Zamaaneh | April 18, 2010

Iranian opposition leader MirHosein Mousavi called on supporters of the Green Movement to counter the attacks on the freedom of the press by replacing every banned weblog with “tens of weblogs for defending the people’s rights.”

Speaking in a meeting with the student committee of reformist organization Mojahedin of Islamic Revolution, Mousavi called on the supporter of the Green Movement to adapt themselves with the current situation and find “ways to expand the media and spread information.”

He maintained that the Green Movement is “limitless” and it should “open numerous new windows” for every blocked “opening.”

The former prime minister maintained that the Green Movement should be defined in such a manner that “includes every one of the seventy million people of the country, even our opponents.”

He called for construction of “appropriate and relevant” slogans that represent the demands of the people saying: “It is our duty to construct the slogans with great care and then persist in their realization.”

Mousavi emphasized “freedom and justice” as two key words in the Green Movement and declared: “Freedom and justice are inseparable and those who are under economic pressure are also in greater risk of losing their basic liberties.”

He added: “Greatness of this movement does not rise from a limited group of geniuses; the greatness of this movement rises from the activities of numerous people who through their overt or covert activities, to the very limits of their ability, support the movement to achieve its end.”

The opposition leader went on to criticize the government’s violent policies against dissidents and once more called for the release of all political prisoners and an end to the police state of the country.