Source: Radio Zamaaneh | February 23, 2010

Political prisoners in Section 350 of Iran’s Evin Prison have started protest efforts to harsh prison conditions and issuance of unfair sentences by going on hunger strike on alternative days until the anniversary of Iran’s controversial presidential elections on June 12.

Relative of one of the organizers of the strike has informed Jaras website that yesterday was the first day of the prisoners’ strike.

Reportedly at first they intend to go on hunger strike every Thursday and then increase the days as they approach the June 12 anniversary of the presidential elections which protesters maintain was rigged to secure Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory.

In response to the mass protests against the alleged fraud in the elections, the Islamic Republic has arrested thousands of people. Many of these prisoners are languishing in dire conditions in prisons.

The prisoners of section 350 recently sent a letter to Iranian Shiite leaders and urged these prominent members of the clergy to condemn the interference of the Ministry of Intelligence and the Revolutionary Guards in the responsibilities of the judiciary which has led to “complete lack of independence in the sentencing of judges, failure of officials and interrogators to treat prisoners ethically, lack of access to proper legal presentation and repeated mistreatment, torture and pressure on the families of the detainees.”

The prisoners of section 350 demand the release of all political prisoners of the post-election events until the date of their trials and adherence to the legal provisions of the constitution in all interrogations and court proceedings.

The prisoners also demand improvement of the prison diet, hygiene and leisure time.

Adavar news, news headquarters of Danesh Amoukhtegan student organization, reports that section 350 is filled beyond capacity with each room holding from 35 to 40 people.

Telephone conversation periods have been reduced while prisoners are being repeatedly recalled for interrogations and put under greater pressure.

Islamic Republic has continued its crack down on election protesters by continued arrests and harsh treatment of prisoners in the past ten months to quell protests.