The following videos were filmed on March 20, during Persian New Year celebrations in Shiraz, at the Hafezieh shrine, dedicated to the famed and loved Persian poet, Hafez. Since Khamenei declared a fatwa against Chahar Shanbe Soori (the Iranian Fire Festival and start of the new year festivities) the people have boldly defied the regime’s official line, and celebrated with even more fervor than in previous years.

In the videos, what looks like at least hundreds, if not thousands of people, can be seen at the shrine of the famed poet chanting slogans. “Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein!” can be heard. This is a chant that has been common in Iran since the rigged elections last summer, in which Ahmadinejad was declared the winner of the election by the regime, and after which millions poured into the streets in protest, asking, “Where is my vote?”