(Radio Zamaaneh) | March 15, 2010

Assailants attack Iranian opposition leader’s home

Fatemeh Karroubi announced that her husband, opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi is under threat and pressure because of blowing the whistle on the “dirty crimes” that took place following the elections and claimed that if the pressures persist, she will have to “publicize many more issues” which have so far remained unsaid.

Fatemeh Karroubi’s announcement comes a day after Ayatollah Khamenei supporters swarmed in front of the Karroubi’s home and engaged in “insulting” and chanting slogans against Karroubi and Mousavi and Khatami.

Fatemeh Karroubi described the assailants at her door as a bunch of “thugs” and “mercenaries” who threw rocks at their apartment breaking their windows.

Fars news agency identified the crowd that were shouting death slogans to Karroubi and other opposition leaders as “students and families of martyrs” of the Iran-Iraq war.

Fatmeh Karroubi claimed that in the name of “family of martyrs,” they scribbled slogans and “shouted obscenities” against her family while the police only stood by and watched.

The former Member of Parliament added that “In the current economic upheaval, the government has had to pay mercenaries in order to pursue these objectives.”

Fatemeh Karroubi says that “a number of corrupted officials of the government have taken advantage of the families of martyrs’ title in order to hide their corruption and their looting of the public treasury.”

Mehdi Karroubi was the first person who wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Expediency Council in order to inform him of the “torture and sexual abuse” of detainees at Kahrizak Detention centre in the post-election events.

The judiciary has rejected Mr. Karroubi’s allegations that detainees were subjected to sexual abuse; however, Human Rights Watch has announced that a number of the detainees were indeed subjected to sexual abuse.

Fatemeh Karroubi says that she and her husband are ready to “defend people’s rights” at any price to themselves.

In the past nine months, Mehdi Karroubi along with MirHosein Mousavi have led a protest against the June presidential election which they claim was rigged.

Karroubi has been repeatedly swarmed and attacked by pro-government forces for his outspoken criticism of the government fierce crackdown on protesters.