((Radio Zamaaneh) | March 22, 2010

European Union members have agreed to act in unison against Iran’s jamming of satellite broadcasts and internet controls.

In the meeting today in Belgium, the European Union “calls on the Iranian authorities to stop the jamming of satellite broadcasting and Internet censorship and to put an end to this electronic interference immediately.”

Islamic Republic accuses the US and Britain of interfering with its internal affairs and thus tries to block transmissions of Voice of America and BBC Persian in Iran.

Reuters reports that it remains unclear what actions EU plans to take against Iran’s jamming efforts; however, tighter restrictions on sales of technology that could be used by Iran for repression and censorship could be on the table.

Limiting the broadcasting of Islamic Republic English satellite programs such as Pers TV in Europe could also be another possible reaction of the European Union.

The EU statements come after British, French and German foreign ministers called for restrictions on the sale of communications and satellite technology to Iran that could be used by the Islamic Republic in censorship and surveillance of telephone and internet communications.

The French company Eutelset, carrier of various satellite programs including BBC Persian and VOA, has filed several complaints against Iran’s jamming efforts.

According to British Foreign Minister, David Miliband, Iran’s persistent effort in blocking broadcasts “ says a lot about the fears they have about their own people hearing the truth about what’s going on in their own country.”