(Guardian, UK) | February 23, 2010
Saeed Kamali Dehghan

Shocking film footage has emerged showing how riot police brutally suppressed protesting Tehran University students

Last night the BBC Persian service broadcast for the first time a very disturbing video of the attack by the Basij militia and riot police on Tehran University’s campus just two days after the stolen election last June. The attack was one of the seminal events of Iran’s post-election unrest in which the police broke locks and then bones as they rampaged through the dormitories, carted off more than 100 students and killed five.

The following day I went to Tehran University to report on the student protest. Students were demonstrating inside the university and behind the iron bars that separated them from outside. They carried a banner with the names of those who were arrested the night before. I talked to some students and took a picture of their banner. They also gave me the names of those five classmates who were killed in the campus attack.

Read the full article in The Guardian.