(Pedestrian) | February 20, 2010

One of the most popular TV shows on IRIB after the revolution, was the Secret Army [1977], a join BBC/BRT [Belgian National Broadcasting] project about a Belgian/French resistance movement during the Second World War. The show originally aired in Iran in 1990.

The reruns aired on IRIB for years, but somehow, I doubt they will reair the show after the June 09 Selection.

The Persian weblog Yek Panjereh [One Window] had an interesting post about this series which I thought I would share with you. What is also interesting is that the blogger has been recently watching the original [uncut] version of the series and goes through a delightful account of the truly idiotic ways IRIB censors its shows. Girlfriends and lovers are turned into sisters, wine is either cut out or turned into “sour cherry juice”, … when watching foreign shows on IRIB, beyond the story itself, one source of our entertainment/frustration is always trying to “guess” our way through the story.

Read the full piece in The Pedestrian Blog.