By Josh ShahryarHands

Protests / Unrest

1. A gathering of Mourning Mothers – an Iranian women’s organization which seeks the release of detained protesters – was violently attacked by security force at Laleh Park this afternoon in Tehran. A lot of rumors are circulating about the attack, however, this much can be ascertained with confidence:

–         100 women attempted to gather in the park and were accompanied by a few men as well.

–         The park was surrounded just prior to the gathering or right after the gathering started by over 200 policemen and dozens of plainclothes men. They were accompanied by at least 3 empty vans.

–         Security forces stopped the gathering from taking place by arresting at least a dozen women and several men, throwing them into vans and taking them to an unknown location. Several sources claiming conflicting numbers. But the number of women arrested was between 10 and 16.

There were rumors that Sohrab A’rabi’s mother may have been arrested today. However, again, as of yet, even partial confirmation could not be obtained from any credible source.

2. Security forces have threatened students at Qom University in Qom to not partake in 16 Azar demonstrations at any cost or they would be detained promptly. They have also sent several armed personnel to monitor students’ activities and also harass them into not participating.

3. Several journalists and bloggers inside Iran have received threats from intelligence agents and other security forces personnel to not report news related to the Green Movement on 16 Azar. Reports indicate that the number of journalists who were harassed may be as high as a two dozen.

4. Internet connection inside Iran – especially in Tehran – has been severely restricted or disconnected by the government. Most web applications such as Yahoo, PalTalk and MSN do not have sufficient bandwidth because of the restriction to connect from inside Iran to the outside world. Since the first appearance of news related to this, the situation practically remains the same.

5. Chants of Allahu Akbar rocked the skies over Tehran tonight once again. There were reports from eyewitnesses from several parts of Tehran and at least one university campus. The chants are scheduled to continue until 16 Azar and possibly beyond.

(Gentle Reminder: I have information on protests routes as well as other information pertaining to the protests on 16 Azar. However, since my blog is regularly monitored by the Iranian government – and even if it was not -, I don’t consider it safe to divulge such information here. I hope this clears out why I’m not announcing that and other information on the Green Briefs. I hope no one minds this.)

* If you know of a protest in Germany re; 15 Azar, please post information on this website that is run by a dedicated Green supporter:


6. The Green Movement’s students’ wing has welcomed IRGC statements that they would present students with flowers. The statement adds that students would welcome the gift with warm hands and green shawls.

7. Today at his home, Mahdi Karroubi wed Samira Jamshid and detained protester Peyman Arif officially. Samira and Peyman’s families were also present during the ceremony. Arif was detained in the early days of the protests and has been kept in Evin Prison for several months now.

8. Iranian reformist dissident Mohsen Sazegara’s new video about the situation in Iran and the upcoming protests:

9. Again, rumors are circulating regarding Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi’s attendance in the 16 Azar protests. I cannot confirm this. I will when I can. Until then, please help quell the rumors if you can.

Government / International

10. Sardar Fazli – Tehran’s IRGC commander – today announced that Basij and IRGC were not responsible for the attacks on the dorms of Tehran University that left several students dead and many injured. However, he added that the University’s chancellor Farhad Rahbar had asked Tehran police to enter the dormitory.

11. On the occasion of the Shi’ite festival of Eid-el-Ghadi, SL Khamenei reduced the sentences or pardoned 793 prisoners from across Iran. The names of prisoners were recommended by Judiciary Chief Sadegh Larijani. No other information regarding names in the list or their offenses could be obtained by any source.

12.  Hashemi Rafsanjani today announced that his son Mahdi Hashemi – who left Tehran amid pressure by the government and accusations implicating him in anti-government activities – would not be returning back any time soon. He said that he had asked Mahdi to remain abroad until he has obtained his PhD.

13. Hanif Mazroui – an Iranian reformist journalist – has been awarded a prestigious award in media by the International Society for Human Rights in Germany. The prize was received on December the 3rd.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

14. Report Tahireh Riahy was arrested several days ago by security forces. The news of her arrest has only recent been disclosed. Her whereabouts at this point are unknown. Riahy worked for Tehran newspaper Jahane Eghtesad, which covers financial news.

15. It can be partially confirmed now that Hayedeh Tabesh – a human rights activist – has been arrested from Esfahan today. Her whereabouts are also unknown.

16. Akbar Karami – an academic and theologian from Qom – was also arrested last Tuesday from his home. His whereabouts are unknown as well.

17. Three student activists were arrested from Lahejan City yesterday. Their names are Rehaneh Ansari-fard and Nasibeh Bagheri – both students at Gilan University and Morees Bagheri – an activist and member of Mousavi campaign in Gilan. They were all detained from their homes, some of their belongings were confiscated and were transported to unknown locations.

They were arrested by the Iranian intelligence agency’s personnel.

18. At least two prisoners have died at Evin in the past week. Saheb-Gholi Rajabi died today after being denied treatment for his illness. He had been sick for more than two months. Another prisoner died of unknown causes the week before.

19. Naseh Yousefi – another dissendent imprisoned at Karaj city’s Rajai-Shahr prison – has reportedly been severely tortured by IRGC guards. It is unclear whether he is being treated for his injuries.

20. After being detained once again yesterday, Behzad Nabavi was moved to a hospital in Tehran for treatment. Little is known about his condition and why he was moved.

21. Kazem Rezaie – a student of Shiraz University – and Yahya Tawoosi – another student from the same institution – were sentenced to prison terms today. Rezaie will spend years and eight months while Tawoosi three years behind bars. Both students are human rights activists. Rezaie was arrested on 13 Aban (November 8) while Tawoosi was arrested when he went to court to follow Rezaie’s case.

22. Iran is set to execute 18 year old Mohammad Reza for a crime he allegedly committed at the age of 15. More information on Reza and his execution here:

(Gentle Reminder: While the Green Briefs are primarily concerned with the Green Movement, as a human rights activist I cannot stop myself from posting information about human rights abuses unrelated to the Green Movement here. Apologies if you feel like I’m advocating more than reporting, but it won’t stop.)


23. In anticipation of the upcoming 16 Azar protests, the Iranian government has taken measures to ensure foreign media outlets cannot report about the events of that day. All permits for foreign news reporters have been revoked for the period of December 7-9 by the Ministry of Culture.

24. The Iranian government has sent four reformist newspapers written warnings to refrain from reporting about conflicts within the Iranian government and other such topics. The newspapers include Aftabe Yazd, Asrar, Hayate Now and Etemaad.


25. So what’s REALLY inside Ahmadinejad’s head? State of the Art X-Ray machine reveals the details for the first time:

26. Khamenei’s picture being burned in Sanandaj University:

27. Garbage dump reads “Khamenei dump”

28. Posters – Videos – Flyers – News – Tweets about 16 Azar

29. Chants of Ya Hossein Mir Hossein and ‘Marg bar Diktator’ at a concert in Dubai:

30. Neda – Iran’s Statue of Liberty: