Ahmadinejad proved beyond the shadow of any reasonable doubt that he is a despot, a liar, an abuser of human rights, a murderer and a thief since the rigging of the June 12th presidential elections in Iran. This man was just given the bully pulpit at the U.N. to spew his hypocritical lunacy to the world. There is much that can be said about his speech, and I’m sure many will summarize it and it will go in the annuls of history as another despot having his moment at the U.N. I would like to focus in on a part of his speech that is prophetic and meaningful to me as an Iranian. I’m sure Ahmadinejad doesn’t realize the irony of what he said, but it will not be lost on the observant reader. Here is the part of his speech that I am referring to:

The time has come to an end for those that define democracy and freedom and set standards while they themselves are the first to violate its fundamental principles. They can no longer be both the judge and the executor and challenge real democratically established governments. So I’d like to say again, that the time has passed for a group of people to believe that they alone define concepts such as democracy and freedom and hold up the criteria for these definitions while simultaneously violating the very principles to which the aspire. Governments can continue which are based on the rule of the people. The awakening of nations, and the expansion of freedom worldwide will no longer allow others to continue their hypocrisy and vicious attitudes.

Thank you, Mr. Ahmadinejad, for clearly stating why we the People of Iran dislike you. And thank you for predicting your own demise, for you are the epitomy of the type of hypocritical government that you speak of. Indeed the time has come to an end for those that define democracy and set standards while they themselves are the first to violate them, thief, murderer and liar. And yes, only governments which are based on the rule of the people will survive. And indeed the awakening of nations, one of them being our precious, proud, cultured and distinguished nation of Iran, and the expansion of freedom worldwide will no longer allow others (such as yourself and your ilk) their hypocrisy and vicious attitudes.

Your words are prophetic. Thank you, Mr. Ahmadinejad, for predicting your own demise.