Due to our website being down during the last 9 days, we have been focusing our energies on getting it back up securely. This was accomplished today. Over the course of the next few days we will provide summaries of activities and events in Iran that have occurred since the June 12 elections
In the meantime, we have to rely on reports from various other sources online to bring you up-to-date.
The following report is from a forum member that goes by the alias NiteOwl on the website,
I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – twitter.com/iran_translator on twitter – and I’ve been immersed in tweets from Iran for the past several hours. I have tried to be extremely careful in choosing my tweet sources. What I have compiled below is what I can confirm through my reliable twitter sources. Remember, this is all from tweets. No news media outlets have been used. (There was precious little today to offer so I waited very long)
These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Thursday, June 25 in Iran.
1. Protesters continued to swarm the streets of Tehran today, however, the number of security forces deployed to stop them from gathering in large numbers proved effective. We had previously reported that large numbers of motorcycles have been brought into Tehran by the government and given over to Basij and other security forces. They are being used very efficiently to mobilize the security forces and protesters are being hunted down wherever they are suspected to be. In the mess, several people who aren’t protesters have also been beaten as the beatings have turned to indiscriminate persecution of citizens of Iran.
2. News of protesters came from different parts of Tehran, but confirmation as always have been a bit tricky as twitter sources continue to give out information that is sometimes uniform and at times widely divergent. What we were able to confirm was that a large mass of people that tried to gather at martyred protester Neda’s grave site was beaten and dispersed. No one was allowed to stand near her grave for more than a few seconds as police actively sought to beat the protesters out of the area. There were reports of Basijis firing at people from atop a mosque in Tehran. It can be partially confirmed, however, the number of casualties cannot be.
3. The Minister of Interior in the mean time has declined to issue a request for the holding of requests by Mousavi’s supporters. He has stated that any permits need to be sought in person at least 7 days before the planned date. (There are reports, however, that Mousavi has been granted a permit for a small rally tomorrow.) Chants of Allah o Akbar and Ya Hossein echoed across Tehran yet again and there were reports of protests in Shiraz by university students and a strike in Tabriz. (I can only partially confirm this as only a few of my reliable sources could confirm it.)
Click here to read the full report in Iran.WhyWeProtest.Net.