I have been focusing most of my energy today on disseminating information as it comes in on twitter.com with tag #IranElection. People just kept adding the IranNewsNow account and following it.

Anyway, I was just sent a tweet from someone saying that IranNewsNow is the top tweeted on twitter at the moment, which I think means that the reports I’m transmitting to the #IranElection tag are being picked up and resent or re”tweeted” to others in the twitter universe.

Twitter is turning into one of the most important tools for getting information reports in and out of Iran currently.

I am just one person, and at the moment I’m being bombarded by information. I’ll do my best to continue to report things, both here on the IranNewsNow.com website, and on Twitter, but I am exhausted. No sleep for almost 3 days now as I have been following the events in Iran as closely as I can and trying to bring the attention of media on the situation so they will report on what’s happening.

Anyway, I took a screenshot of the retweetradar.com website that tracks the top retweeted. Here it is:
