by Kourosh Ziabari

The contradictory signs and inconsistent overtures of Iranian and American officials to renormalize their long-muddled ties and become friends again are still indigestible, at least to ordinary observers. President Obama sends a benevolent, unprecedented Nowrouz congratulation message to the “Islamic Republic of Iran” and calls for a “new beginning” from his Oval Office, and then attacks the “Iranian nuclear and ballistic missile threat” a few days later in Prague.

The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also welcomes the “concert change” of Americans’ behavior and declares a readiness to establish negotiations, while his country arrests 3 American citizens in a week on charges of espionage.

Seemingly, both presidents are practicing the tradition of double standards of the hawkish Bush administration, which doesn’t seem rational at first glance; however, the issues are more profound than they seem!

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