CIS Scholar Provides Roadmap and Rationale for U.S.-Iran Relations

CAMBRIDGE, MA April 15, 2009—A months-long study of U.S.-Iran relations concludes that a new diplomatic approach by the United States to transform the relationship with Iran could produce a breakthrough that will boost security and prosperity for the entire region.

The 50-page document by John Tirman of the MIT Center for International Studies provides a roadmap and a rationale for the new approach. Tirman, executive director and principal research scientist at the Center, recommends that:

  • President Obama must take the lead role in reshaping the bilateral relationship; as past diplomatic breakthroughs have shown, there is no substitute for presidential leadership
  • While the president is changing the language used toward Iran—a major step—he must soon follow with concrete actions, which Iranians have repeatedly called for
  • The most urgent and powerful actions, in sequence, would be:

1. a partial lifting of unilateral sanctions (those not related to nuclear development) and unfreezing Iranian assets
2. explicit US disavowal of military threats and regime change strategies
3. normalization of the diplomatic relationship
4. discussions on new security arrangements and cooperation in the region

Click here to read the news release from MIT Center of International Studies.

Click here to read the full 50 page document by John Tirman.